As they all began to move in for refueling, Marciano pulled the Hound to the back of the pack, the Tornado was sitting well within a good fuel supply plus the mounted drop tank made the pilot feel pretty good about waiting. As he waited Marciano took the time to look around the sky, not for any real threat, more for simple enjoyment and to kill time as each plane topped off their tanks. As the line whittled down to the Hound, Marciano went about the motions of the mid-air refuel, the entire process taking very little time as soon as he got up there, more of a glorified trickle of fuel than a true refill. Marciano yawned slightly as he pulled the Hound away and back into the loose formation he had been keeping up until this point. That was until the news came over the com. Marciano frowned silently as the news that the situation on the ground was intensifying, nothing could ever be simple right? [i]"Well that would just make it too easy, and the easy stuff is for the regulars and not paid professionals"[/i] he reminded himself as he pulled the Hound into a tighter formation. Though this thought also made him slightly chuckle as the news continued to state that a nice sized tropical storm was rolling in [i]"And I would never wish it any other way."[/i] ------ [quote]"Let's practice an overhead recovery; with things going as they are, I don't want us overflying the jungle too often if we don't have to. And who knows - we might need combat recoveries before this is over. Taxi straight to the shelters as soon as your wheels touch ground too. I think we should get the aircraft under cover quick, those clouds don't look good."[/quote] "Roger dodger" was Marciano's quick response as he slowed down and brought the Hound into the landing que. The landing came with no significant complications, in fact he set himself down fairly gently considering that the wind was beginning to pick up fairly fast. He quickly began to taxi to the hanger to get out of everyone's way. Shutting down he let himself relax for a bit before opening the canopy and collecting his munitions. Climbing down the ladder hee smiled to the ground crew which were runging here and there "Take care of er." He said before turning to the van. Grumbling avbout the rain he sprinted to make it to the transport without getting to wet. Getting inside he relaxed, sinking into the seat. "Well I could go for a nice, cold, something."