As each passing moment went Clarisse grew more worrisome of the others and no longer wanting to sit there she decided to go warn other tribes, even if the elves didn't particularly like others. "Hm," she looked at the steep hillside that surrounded her cove, she didn't want to get wet again for a little bit and tried to figure a way out. She started climbing a nearby palm tree, "maybe here and then... here," she muttered to herself her pattern jumping from one tree on the ground to another imbedded in the hillside. She was out of breath and panting once she managed to reach the top and felt pretty triumphant of herself. Though that was short lived when a bit of earth slipped from under her and she started tumbling down the other side of the hill, "Ow, ow, ow!" she exclaimed every time she hit the ground. When reaching the bottom she landed in a pile of leaves which was good I guess, picking herself up and sighed, "well that was fun," she brushed herself off and picked some twigs from her hair. When she finished she started walking, staying hidden within the trees as she moved to the shore and her round, green emerald eyes, spotted the boat not far off shore and seeing a smaller boat get lowered they were preparing to come ashore their island.