Name: Mint Age: 18 [hider=Picture] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality: She'd seem like the 'nice girl' type, with her ability and her use of it supporting that statement, but she can be in fact surprisingly childish. She is not evil however, just a bit childish. She even looks a bit young for her age, but she does get offended by others calling her out about it. She developed a mix of fear and hatred for elves, unless they prove to be friendly and not haughty, which she doesn't believe will happen anytime soon. Looks up to Minotaurs, helps them every once in a while, although this is pretty much on a whim. Abilities: She is capable of flying, that's her regular ability for a fairy, but she has two little special abilities. The first of those is Photosynthesis - through what seems to be her wings, she is able to absorb some power from the sun, and convert it to power and some neutrients for herself. The extent of this is about the same as human meals - she has to focus on it actively for about 10 minutes to get a feeling of 'fullness' (it can vary depending on the amount of light) . She passively does it too, but it's not nearly enough to actually be anything significant, it just means a bit longer 'recharge times'. The second special ability is to transfer energy from herself to other living beings, including plants. When she does this, it looks like twinkles of light coming out of her towards her target. Bio: Having run away from some elves she come to anger more than once, she is a bit against staying in one place for long periods of time. (for now I guess.)