[b]MAP ROOM/DECK[/b] He missed as the fear took over, his ears pointing straight up and a bit to the sides as his body felt tense. His tail moving slowly as all the hairs stood up. The man asked if he was trying to hit him and not really understanding the whole process of lying he answered with, "en" which translated into yes. He did not know what he would do as he even felt something else, something he had not felt before as he began to feel an even deeper fear as something began to call to him as he started moving slowly to the sides as he began looking around at all the strange maps, it was then that he took a chance and dashed for the door. With a huge thud as he hid shoulder first making a soft yelping sound he flew out the door into a new world, a world he had never seen before as some blood dripped on the floor as he was not used to taking any hits. He thought he escaped the dangerous man with the glasses he thought were meant as a scanner to help the man figure out everything around him, to find his weakness and eventually when he lets his guard down eat him. In the end his fear grew as he looked outside at first over the deck for the first time. The wind blew violently through his hair, though it was more the fact that he had just freshly dashed into the outside and never really encountered the true unaltered outdoors before. He saw strange foamy like, water that had a strange salty smell he still did not understand. Large branches from trees which looked similar to that one thing inside the place he was before. There was no way for him to know where he was but he had to be in the outsiders world, the land of the violent and merciless primitive beasts who used to be humans. He had shoes on initially but they had gotten damaged as they were made to cushion his feet and were not really made for real out doors as he did not even notice until he felt a stinging and tingling sensation in his foot as tears flowed from his eyes as he moved in confusion tripping over a root sticking out of the wooden bark of the strange deck. He was crying and sniffing as he had a salty wind blowing up his nose and the smell of leaves was something that was making his eyes water too. His body was not used to all of this as his right foot was bleeding underneath, his one shoe was left behind in the map room all torn. Meanwhile his left shoe was not much better off as it had also been mostly torn and he was nervous. In the process of receiving way too many new sensations everything began to be interpreted as pain, since his understanding was not made for the outside world and his hunger did not make things any easier as he did not even bother to look around him anymore and shouted in a loud high pitched voice. "aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!" which was translated to mean "Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as he did not even know what to do anymore, he did not understand as he was sitting their his foot in pain, he did not even notice how dirty he was as the ground they stood on did not even sit still, the gravity was strange and there were lots of strange weirdo's all around him. Someone had to come save him and someone had to come look after him or at least help him in his now vulnerable state. This was when he began to feel the one thing all creatures understand, the feeling of being alone and helpless in an unknown world.