"Well, alright. I guess it's my turn." Jon said, stretching his arms. Once that was done, he took his torch in his right hand and snapped the fingers of his left hand above it, lighting the torch with the built-in flint and steel he had on his gauntlet. The flame ate the torch head and grew to a steady, bright flame. He then switched it to his left hand and grabbed the rope. "See you down below." He said to the remaining party members as he climbed down the rope. As he descended into the dark tower, he took a moment to appreciate the brickwork. It was stable enough to not collapse in the decades it'd gone unattended. That said, it might've been the work the dark forces located within... Jon reached the bottom quickly and jumped down, joining the other 2 members of the party who were already in. He drew his broadsword and lifted his torch to see where they were. They were apparently at the bottom of some kind of staircase, near a doorway that led to who-knows-where. "Well, I can't say I'm disappointed." Jon remarked. The place had an old and eerie atmosphere, accentuating a sense of danger lurking somewhere beyond the door. He was sure that there were some dead adventurers ahead somewhere... "You can come down and join us any time!" Jon called out above.