[url=http://cdn.mmakanvas.com.au/media/gallery_images/bd686fd640be98efaae0091fa301e613.jpg]i guess i’ll see this as his face claim[/url] [b]Name:[/b] Drayden [b]Hometown:[/b] Chicago, Illinois [b]Height:[/b] 6’ 7” [b]Weight:[/b] 300 lbs [b]Alignment:[/b] Anti-hero face-ish I s’pose. Hard to place him since he just comes in and fights. I guess it’ll be more based off of what his mouthpiece says and who he’s working against. [b]Gimmick:[/b] He’s here to fight and win, nothing else. He goes out and immediately takes it to the opponent, often starting before the bell has even rang. In promos, he doesn’t talk too much, instead letting his mouthpiece do most of the work for him. Wants to be the best and knows he has the potential to do so, focused solely on winning the GPW World Title and never, ever letting it go. He will fight anyone at anytime and at anyplace to achieve this goal(possible idea is he holds weekly open challenges, or something). There’s a lot of chest pounding involved when he’s working his match, and chants of things like ‘fuck ‘em up, Drayden, fuck ‘em up’ commonly fill the arenas. Very old school in the sense that he stays in character off-screen too. Wrestles with gloves like Undertaker has(not sure what they’re called?) and singlet similar to Kurt Angle, including taking the straps down when business is about to pick up. [b]Entrance Music:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp7aGkiflwY]boop[/url] might change it later on though. [b]Entrance Description:[/b] Walks out and does the [url=https://youtu.be/LCzBf-jo84o?t=1m27s]bork dance[/url] while sparks fall behind him, then cracks his neck and sprints down to the ring, slides under the ropes and gets straight to business if his opponent is already there. [b]Wrestling Style:[/b] Powerhouse/grappler, works very stiff Finishing Move: Spinebuster, pop-up powerbomb [b]Signature Moves:[/b] Spear, belly-to-belly suplex, German suplex, lariat, Hell’s gate, big boot, Ankle lock, shooting star press This isn’t my tag-team guy, I’m still working on him. And if Drayden seems similar to Brock Lesnar, he’s supposed to. I gave him a bunch of moves that people like Lesnar, Goldberg, Cena, Batista use. Big dudes. Do you want me to throw together a thing for the manager too, or no? I can do either. I can also change him if you don't want him to be so Borky.