Rain, it was often a subject of debate for many people. There were some who loved it, be it for aesthetic reasons or simply because it blocked out the bright sun, and some who hated it due to the sense of gloom that hung about when rain was present. For one Dimitri Santos, the rain was nothing if not a godsend. It meant that he could roam the streets during the day and acquire the little knickknacks that made his immortality all the more enjoyable before stores closed. Knickknacks such as the large cuban cigar that he clenched firmly in his teeth as he strode briskly through the halls of the facility that served as a headquarter for his kind. The vampire idly scratched his chin as he felt a bit of ash fall into his beard before blowing out a thick plume of smoke from his nostrils. Dimitri finally slowed to a stop as he reached his destination: The briefing room. Hearing a few voices inside, Dimitri chose to stand beside the doorway rather than idle about the front and knock, lest he draw the ire of whichever of his superiors was currently inside. Instead, Dimitri pressed his back to the wall and laid both his hands overtop of his cane, occasionally puffing his cigar and blowing out either a stream or ring of smoke while he waited for the briefing to end. The reason for Dimitri's idling was simple: He wanted a mission, preferably something difficult to keep his skills from getting dull.