Grimm At first, Grimm thought he had said something wrong, and for some reason, found he actually cared. This did not still well with him, not at all. He was a Reaper, a harbinger of death, a figure that all ghosts should fear if they've committed wrongs in their life, or revere if they are having trouble crossing over. He shouldn't be getting all nervous and fidgety because of some girl. And yet, as she left the stage, he couldn't help feeling saddened, nor could he help the leap in his heart when she returned with her sister. His features were schooled into the same warm, gentlemanly grin as before, as he hid his emotions behind the pleasant looking mask, locking them away for now until he felt that he was ready to tackle them later. "Like I told your sister, it's no problem. I was just afraid I had done something to upset her. I'd say getting something to eat would be great. We could all get to know each other better." He gestured for her to lead the way. [@Liferusher]