[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/130636269/magician.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] The Masked Magician (Andrew Macdonald) [b]Hometown:[/b] Warrnambool, Australia [b]Height:[/b] 6.4 feet [b]Weight:[/b] 85 kilograms [b]Alignment:[/b] Face [b] Gimmick:[/b] A man of magic that has turned his attentions towards the ring, The Masked Magician stands for more then just entertainment. Dedicated to bringing a sense of mystery and wonder back into the lives of everyday people, he also attempts to embody the virtues of honor and loyalty by always holding true to his word, even in the face of adversity or unpopularity; The boo's of the crowd may sting, but breaking your word hurts forever. He will also spend some of his spare time putting on performances to help raise money for charitably causes, often aimed at the curing of horrible illnesses. [b]Entrance Music:[/b] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhJGXzOE5fQ[/url] [b]Entrance Description:[/b] Raising up out of the stage, hands raised so that he looks like a Y until the lyrics of the song begin at which point his hands would be brought down as if throwing something and causing the stage to light up with golden fireworks. Walking towards the ring at a measured, slow powerful pace The Masked Magician will climb in and start to raise his hands again as another wave of fireworks launches out of the corners of the ring. [b]Wrestling Style:[/b] A wrestling technician with a flare for slight of hand tricks. [b]Finishing Move:[/b] Now you see it - Starting with what appears to be a simple slap to the face that turns the face, it is quickly followed up but one hell of an uppercut. Magic Box - A submission grapple. With the opponent face down on the ground, The Masked Magician will come up behind them, sitting on their back as he slides his arms under their armpits and locks his hands together behind their head before pulling backwards. [b]Signature Moves: [/b] Abra - A combo of four fast but brutal strikes to the head. Cadabra - A combo of four fast by brutal strikes to the head, followed by a knee into the sol-perplexes. Alakazam - Four fast but brutal strikes to the face, followed by a knee to the sol-perplexes and chained by running towards the ropes and using them to pick up speed before delivering an axe kick to the back of the bent over target's head. Fireball