"Glad to hear it, somebody has to keep you in check." Jade countered, leading Jack out into the hallway where she could stand between him and the door leading to Mocha. Hearing more whimpers from behind her, Jade glanced over her shoulder at the sound of her name. "Jade's not what?" She asked, looking from Mocha to Okori then back again. "A dragon?" Jade chuckled and shook her head. "If I were a dragon, I'd probably have dissected myself decades ago." She waved her hand dismissively, understanding the confusion. "I guess you could consider the Gargoyles to be a cousin species of sorts. Similar knacks for language and interests in obtaining knowledge, however our nature differs slightly." Jade said, her simple answer turning into more of a class lecture than a reassurance. "It's true that Gargoyles hunt for prey... But those are primarily the males, and hunts are less common these days. We can just buy meat at the grocery stores. We spend most of our time in libraries and various archives, depending on personal interests..." Jade opened her mouth to say something else but realized that her current audience might not care about the extensive history of her species. "Sorry, I got a little carried away. Long answer short, no Mocha, I'm not going to eat you."