[@RomanAria][@olcharlieboi] (I'm moving the location of his mark down a notch, considering he's wearing gloves.) All of these questions accompanied by Charlie's annoyed tone simply causes the man to chuckle, running his right hand through his hair, revealing what to some may seem like an abnormal tattoo on his right arm. "A human, Cybertronian, and a Lilliputian...what a ragtag group. The name's Hibatsu. Let's just say that I do what I can to get by. It was my job to hunt these imbeciles down. It seems you've made things easier for me...I have a proposal for you. Allow me to hitch a ride on your ship, and I'll cut you a portion of my paycheck. Judging by how pirates of this stature were able to board your ship so easily, it would seem it's in need of dire repair...whaddya say? Do we have a deal?" He inquires. Of course, if they were to decline his offer for whatever reason, it would be certain that this exchange would not end well.