[center][img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/94/640x346_16439_Rainy_2d_fantasy_illustration_night_rain_medieval_wagon_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] [b]The Deep Rains[/b][/center] The previous winter of Great Estros was mild, and an early spring dawned. With it came rains that promised a bountiful harvest. As the days went by, rain became more frequent, until one day it didn't stop. The mountains were awash in rains that caused mudslides. Entire highland villages were swept away in a tide of mud and falling [i]cryp[/i]. The river that springs near Iro, the capital of the Irodein Empire became a flood plain, drowning the city of Caldaria and displacing many. In Thangia, the wet season culminated in the flooding of God's Tears, and Hangman's Bay sinking parts of Bahran and Teccan. While Teccan, the capital of Thangia, suffered minor flooding, Bahran lost an entire district in a flash flood. Dubbed the Deep Rain by small folk and doomsayers, it shows no sign of letting up. [hider=Brief] ((Mini Event: Natural Disaster - Kingdoms of Estros lose 50K Supply.)) [/hider]