Link had gasped at the Fairys outburst, he had rushed after her. Yet she seemed scared, so he made sure to follow her path yet stay a good distance away. "Midna, can you go talk her... I think our guide needs some comfort. She's scared of me right now it seemed. His mind however screamed in protest as he sat down against a tree, it was like someone locked in a cage screaming to be let out. He hated this feeling, he couldn't help Ciela nor could he understand his own powers. Yes he was a hero but how? How could he understand his power. When he fought his body knew the moves, his mind almost seemed in protest. Perhaps he was not a true hero, more of failure. Of course he'd never been the best at anything, he was just the village orphan. Sent off to join the royal army when they asked for conscripts because everyone else had a family. Now here he was journeying in to the Lost woods looking for a Sage he could name yet had never met. He would ask Midna what she thought of him later, Ciela obviously thought well of him but he wanted to know the Twilight Princess's feelings. If he could really be a Hero like he was supposed to be.