[center][img] http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/204/8/a/space_art_wallpaper_by_voidsilentassasin-d41f0de.png[/img][/center] Blackness. That is all there was before us; no time, no light or warmth, just blackness stretching on forever. No one is sure how it happened, but all will agree that it was something beyond all human understanding. At one point everything as we know it came from the darkness and filled it with light. Stars took over the vast emptiness with brilliant light. After the mysterious force created these things was finished it then created beings to do as they please with Creation. The beings were great and powerful, but only one was capable of making life, Jerüld. So they found a spot they agreed was best and began to create a home for the life they would start and rule over with love, sovereignty, and power. [center][img] http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/074/9/4/fantasy_landscape_by_atthespeedoffetus-d5y3er7.png[/img][/center] For centuries these gods ruled over these inhabitants. In a show a devotion the inhabitants made offerings, gave praise and recognition and served humbly the gods they chose, but as time went on some of the gods had different views of how they should rule the mortal race. When some stepped forward to bring these views to light they were rejected being told that Love and Sovereignty is the best for the mortals. Unsatisfied with this they began to plot and plan, in secret, a taking of the Heavens. During a gathering of the mortals, now called humans, the secret plan of the rebelling gods went into motion. They carefully waited for the right time to arise during the gathering and offerings, and once it did, Calcius, their rebellion leader, assassinated Jerüld. This started a war known as the Clash of Gods where all manner of evil and good went to war all over the world and in the Heavens as well. Every man, sage, wizard and monster battled for territory on the world and watched in fear as gods fought in the Heavens. The skies would darken and they say that blinding lights would flash and noises beyond that of thunder would sound as they gods came together in war and fury. Words could not describe the never ending fighting and the killing that was endured by both man and god. [center][img] http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/225/0/5/dota2_clash_of_heroes_1_redux__by_kunkka-d6hwt2j.jpg[/img][/center] This war went on for generation after generation. There was no end in sight as each side would gain ground and warriors just to turn and lose them again and again. Both the Evil Ones and the Light Bringers had their own champions chosen for their special talents and abilities, but even they were not immortal and most eventually fell by another’s hand. All these things ravaged the world, but no one, not even the gods over it, seemed to care about this. The only things on their minds were to extinguish the other faction. Looking down on this the unknown and un-named creator was displeased with the choices made by his creations and sought a way of correction that would be a lesson to both sides. Coming down to his creation of universe and everything in it he acted to rectify what was happening lest everything be destroyed. With on Calamitous event of intense light, fire and fury both sides were subdued and each was given a unique consequence for their actions. To The Evil Ones, for their jealousy and rash actions, they forced to dwell in an under realm know by names such as Hell, Hades and the like. They were given an aura of being lesser than the Light Bringers, and a hunger for power without the numbers or means to quench. To the Light Bringers, for their ignorance and refusal to seek peace, they were to see what the war they had fought so hard had done to the inhabitants of their world, and were responsible for the rebuilding of it. They too were confined to a realm separate of the under realm and the human realm know as, Heaven, Paradise and names like that. They were no longer able to directly appear to the human race, but through dreams, visions and their mortal messengers. To the one who had murdered the Creator of Life was given a mortal form to dwell in for eternity, cut off from the ethereal realm and forgotten entirely from history. This was to force them to always be stuck with the feelings that had led them to commit their heinous deeds. With this in place the Creator also put it against the will of the gods of both Light and Evil to ever elect a singular leader lest they unite against him in their punishments. At the war’s end the humans did their best, with the help from the gods, to return to normal lives, and for many years they spent their time rebuilding their lands and writing in big books the Clash of Gods. As time went on things eventually came back to normal and most of the clash became legend and myth. Many years later is where we pick up now with the gods at odds with each other and knowing that war is a good possibility again. The Evil Ones are gathering Followers and the Light Bringers are readying their champions for the coming darkness, but what they are all aware of is that the Fallen One, a myth even to the gods is coming and he brings with him hate, malice and an enemy of the world as it is known. [center]-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-[/center]   In this game you'll make 1 god, up to 3 heroes (of other gods) and any number of commoners. God characters are bound by no rules other than the rule of cool. You choose no powers or skills, you can do whatever seems fitting. Gods appear as they will and can bend the rules of reality to their whims. You'll choose a domain like fire, death, war or weather. (anything that follows "The god(dess) of" and isn't too similar to an already present god. Heroes are mortal champions with superhuman powers. Often they are the bastard children of gods, sometimes they are given their powers by a god as a reward. These characters might fight monsters, save a town from rampaging bandits, or maybe rage against the gods. Examples are Hercules, Skjöldr, (first king of Denmark), Moses, etc. Commoners are just that, normal humans, they have no powers you and I can't have. If you choose not to give them a name they are public domain and any player may control them. You can write a character sheet, but depending on how relevant this person might be it's not mandatory.   [hider=god character sheet]Name: By what name are you best known Titles: Do you have other names and titles? True name: Only the other gods know and comprehend this name, they won't use it unless shit gets really serious. A mortal hearing the name whispered will likely die as his mind cannot encompass the vastness of your true name. If he survives he might become an Oracle. Inspiration: A feeling describing the theme and feel of your god, (pictures are ok too) Appearance: Favored way of appearing to mortals. Symbols: What are your holy symbols and signs. Portfolio: Pick a Domain from the list below, as long as it is within this domain you can do anything. Alignment: Lawful(Orderly, organised, community)/ Neutral/ Chaotic (Erratic, disorganized, freedom) + Good/Neutral/Evil Servitars: What are your servants like? Are they demons, angels, sphinxes, vampires, djinies, giants, etc.? Weapon: If you were to appear holding a weapon, or give a sacred armament to a worthy champion. What would it be? Familiar: Animal that you use to aid you with communicating in the mortal world. Followers: Who prays and sacrifices to you? Bio: this will illustrate, at least, what your god did in the Clash of gods. It can also contain whatever you want us to know about your past. Name: Titles: True name: Inspiration: Appearance: Symbols: Portfolio: Alignment: Servitors: Weapon: Familiar: Followers: Bio:[/hider]   [hider=Domain]Here's a list of domains and sub-domains. Pick any one domain from the list, optionally also take a sub-domain if you wish to specialize. This is a list of examples; feel free to create new domains if what you are looking for isn't covered by this list be sure to explain how it all works. Air Domain Cloud sub-Domain Wind sub-Domain Animal Domain Feather sub-Domain Fur sub-Domain Artifice Domain Construct sub-Domain Toil sub-Domain Trap sub-Domain Chaos Domain Azata sub-Domain Demon sub-Domain Entropy sub-Domain Protean sub-Domain Revelry sub-Domain Whimsy sub-Domain Charm Domain Love sub-Domain Lust sub-Domain Community Domain Cooperation sub-Domain Family sub-Domain Home sub-Domain Darkness Domain Loss sub-Domain Moon sub-Domain Night sub-Domain Death Domain Murder sub-Domain Psychopomp sub-Domain Undead sub-Domain Destruction Domain Catastrophe sub-Domain Rage sub-Domain Torture sub-Domain Earth Domain Caves sub-Domain Metal sub-Domain Radiation sub-Domain Evil Domain Daemon sub-Domain Demon sub-Domain Devil sub-Domain Fear sub-Domain Fire Domain Arson sub-Domain Ash sub-Domain Smoke sub-Domain Glory Domain Heroism sub-Domain Honor sub-Domain Good Domain Agathion sub-Domain Archon sub-Domain Azata sub-Domain Friendship sub-Domain Redemption sub-Domain Healing Domain Restoration sub-Domain Resurrection sub-Domain Knowledge Domain Aeon sub-Domain Memory sub-Domain Thought sub-Domain Law Domain Archon sub-Domain Devil sub-Domain Inevitable sub-Domain Judgment sub-Domain Loyalty sub-Domain Slavery sub-Domain Tyranny sub-Domain Liberation Domain Freedom sub-Domain Revolution sub-Domain Luck Domain Curse sub-Domain Fate sub-Domain Imagination sub-Domain Madness Domain Insanity sub-Domain Nightmare sub-Domain Magic Domain Arcane sub-Domain Divine sub-Domain Nobility Domain Aristocracy sub-Domain Leadership sub-Domain Martyr sub-Domain Plant Domain Decay sub-Domain Growth sub-Domain Protection Domain Defense sub-Domain Purity sub-Domain Solitude sub-Domain Repose Domain Ancestors sub-Domain Psych pomp sub-Domain Souls sub-Domain Rune Domain Language sub-Domain Wards sub-Domain Scalykind Domain Dragon sub-Domain Saurian sub-Domain Venom sub-Domain Strength Domain Ferocity sub-Domain Fist sub-Domain Resolve sub-Domain Sun Domain Day sub-Domain Light sub-Domain Revelation sub-Domain Travel Domain Exploration sub-Domain Trade sub-Domain Trickery Domain Ambush sub-Domain Deception sub-Domain Innuendo sub-Domain Thievery sub-Domain Void Domain Dark Tapestry sub-Domain Isolation sub-Domain Stars sub-Domain War Domain Blood sub-Domain Tactics sub-Domain Water Domain Flotsam sub-Domain Flowing sub-Domain Ice sub-Domain Oceans sub-Domain Rivers sub-Domain Weather Domain Seasons sub-Domain Storms sub-Domain[/hider]   [hider=Champion Character Sheet]Sources of Inspiration: A picture, a theme song, a line of dialog… Name: How the hero introduces him/herself Full (real) Name: optional Age: mortal age Appearance: description and or picture Personality: quirks and traits Alignment: is your hero connected to a god? Who and how? Note: this can never be a god you control! Morality: moral code Likes: pancakes Dislikes: cold pancakes Secrets: the really interesting stuff Companion (Optional): pet, mount, cohort, slave etc. Outfit: don't need to explain this do i? Other: - Sources of Inspiration (optional): Name: Full (real) Name: Age: Appearance: Personality: Alignment: Morality: Likes: Dislikes: Secrets: Companion (Optional): - Outfit: Other:[/hider]   [hider=Antagonist] Calcifer - Fallen god of Chaos - Master Crim [/hider] [hider=gods and goddesses] Darko Despair - Death domain - Thantos X - Secrets Domain - The Grey Dust Sekaulla - Blood SubDomian - Wraithblade6 Hal-Reftar - Glory Domain - Master Crim Fregion - Fire Domain/Dragon SubDomain - Vec [/hider] [hider=Champions] Darius Gordock - God of Magic - Thantos Dyleon of the Crimson Lance - Goddess of Blood - The Grey Dust [/hider]