[@Hibiya] Are you able to post because if not I will. Sorry I got to be pushy but yeah I want to get on with this already... On a side note that isn't directed at Hibiya but everyone in general. If you cannot post for whatever reason can you please find some way as to tell me so we can just skip you without waiting 2 or 3 days? cause THAT is why the RP has slowed down. People not telling me what the hell is going on and so I'm left thinking they are slacking or just being plain lazy. I want to get on with this damn thing but it's been crippled due to me being to patient with some people and right now I am done being patient and reasonable. I don't want to control people's characters but due to how annoyingly slow things are moving I'm going to just have to say simple things like your character is following...that is unless I get completely sick of this becoming a recurring thing and throw them to the Zombies...and that wont be my fault. If I'm given a decent reason as to why you can't post so much then I will be more patient...if not then well I wont be. A lot of people have died on the roof and since then the motivation for this RP has dropped to an all time low...I am throwing about a few ideas to bring it back to life...such as perhaps allowing the creation of two characters instead of just the one. At least this way if one gets stuck with one group for a small while then at least you have another. Like right now for example Kurisa is stuck...if my other char was with either Sam or Obli's group, I'd be able to post a bit faster..and at least post..and on another note...Kenny wouldn't be alone right now xD BUT ANYWAY! Main point is tell me shit. I don't need to know your life story on the matter just that it's school, RL or whatever else that is somewhat causing you problems with posting...that's it. I want to actually get to an end point in this RP as I don't plan for it to go on forever...I want it to end. I got other RP's planned that are much bigger than this and need a lot more attention so I want to do this and finish this...Also someone needs to meet up with blackcats char. I'm assuming Hatake isn't interested anymore and so yeah she is now alone again...although if we go with the two char thing then that likely wont be an issue...