[center] [img]http://s2.favim.com/orig/35/boy-cigarette-guy-handsome-leather-jacket-Favim.com-283970.jpg[/img] [/center] In Ring Attire: A red leather jacket emblazoned with a wolf head on the back that is always taken off before the match. Black long jeans, Red leather fingerless gloves, a black and red pair of wrestling boots. Name: Mitchell Wolf Hometown: London, England. Height: 6'2 Weight: 220lbs Alignment: Heel Gimmick: In the ring, Wolf is a great power wrestler that takes things too far in Kayfabe. More often than not he is the heel that will put a face into "recovery" for a few months for either serious injury recovery or if they need time off. He takes after his namesake is generally relentless in his offence, always striking and always looking for the next submission to lock in. He enjoys playing to the crowd as the boo him, literally feeding of the heat his actions give him. He has played the anti hero Face before but he could never be considered a Babyface. Outside of the ring, Wolf is possibly the nicest guy you could ever meet. Acutely aware that Kayfabe doesn't exist, Wolf ensures any fans that see him outside are treated all the same...with a smile and more often than not, an imitation of his signature finisher for a good photo op. Entrance Description: A wolf's howl sounds out, low static following after. Wolf walks to the start of the ramp, tapping his toe against the ramp and staring towards the ring. He runs a gloved hand through his hair as a loud peeling riff sounds out and heavy rock music plays out. Wolf walks slowly down the ramp till he reaches the ring. Sliding in to the ring, he circles around slowly as another wolf howl sounds out. He moves to the middle of the ring and throws his head back, howling, before pulling off his jacket and heading to his corner. Wrestling Style: Power wrestler focusing on submissions. Finishing Move: Wolves of War: A Torture rack with extended theatrics, a thrown back head and a loud howl when Wolf notices a groggy opponent and another when he inevitably slams the opponent down. Wolf Bite: A Swinging Reverse STO with theatrics. As he bends his opponent back, he throws his head back and howls. Signature Moves: Howling - Not necessarily a move, but something that he constantly pulls upon by reinforcing his gimmick. Stinger Splash Big Boot Bulldog Lariat