The African man nodded at Captain Ishida, "yes, safe, very safe." He paused, looking at the emerging tide of shamblers as they picked themselves up after falling over the lower level's wall. "We can hold them here, if you can get um, heli... hover plane?" The SUV rocked and rattled as dead hands and bodies threw themselves against it. It wouldn't last long. "Hey," the African said suddenly. "Wasn't there more of you?" Then he suddenly noticed the absence of the little girl he'd seen, and grimaced. "Ah... well come, come, let's go to top. We can make more block if need be, not all cars got keys, but most will move if we push." The SUV started to turn on its back wheels as the press of the dead forced the front of the vehicle to move - like some kind of big clunky gate. Meanwhile, no one had noticed that Garret Mercer had fallen unconscious on the carpark's ground level - finally succumbing to the blood loss. In the chaos of everything, the group had lost another.