The man, though pinned by a child and laying down, did his best to look tall. He looked offended enough to pass for a Solarian priest, Xalia had to admit. "Why should I offer anything to a filthy bandit?" was the first thing that he asked. Xalia laughed, and Junedith continued to stare at him with lifeless eyes. Did he think himself so high and mighty above them? This was no Solarian hunter, or else they would already be dead- and besides, the man didn't dress like any hunter she'd seen. "Well, you aren't much cleaner than us, if you haven't noticed, and my dolly here has a knife to your throat. Should take her naught but a moment to silence you, which she will, if you try anything," Xalia pointed out. "You should offer me something in exchange for you life. So, ser, what can you offer me?" Still- this was a strange way for someone with a blade on their neck to act. Perhaps he [i]was[/i] a hunter of some sort. "She is faster than your tongue or hands," the witch added, to assure her now-prisoner that he couldn't kill them. The grin, however, had come off of her face, and no she waited quietly for an answer.