Athena Stepped up to the minotaur with newly found courage and said "There are [i]strangers[/i] coming on the island.." She said all worried like and had but a clueless face. She had an unshakeable beauty, Even one so crass could not but soften at her appearance. Dainty was athenas favorite word to describe herself and she smiled at the thought of getting complements from the warriors but shyly said "They are in a wood structure and they look mean" she said and folded her arms almost childishly. As They neared the the island Dawn Jumped from the boat and began to walk through the water to shore, showing signs of happiness she never imagined she could feel on the voyage here. Once she hit the dry sand she pulled the row boat up on it "So Who has the map?" She asked with a smirk. Looking around a bit to ensure their safety, she adjusts her singed sword.