Well, your NPCs are background characters - to be used and abused at will. I wouldn't expect someone to post 16 times, just to clarify what everyone in their squad was up to. Think of how books are, when the protagonist is in charge of a team/force/army of minor characters. Notice how the story doesn't really focus on the dozens, hundreds or thousands, but rather just on the protagonist? And that the minor character's actions are usually narrated briefly or vaguely, with their thoughts and feelings excluded. It'd kinda go like that, I mean, that's how I'd play it anyway. So in this war zone, you'd be looking for the more social side of things? Sitting round tables in bunkers, talking loads and exchanging money over card games? I was thinking of the players starting in the same area, and coordinating their efforts against a common front, as you have said. I mean the characters are obviously going to meet, aren't they? That's why I chose squad leaders, not divisional commanders. Squads are small enough to allow for intimate contact, but big enough so that the player doesn't become an insignificant grain of sand in a meat grinder. I guess it depends on peoples' preferences. I've never liked the whole "sit down and talk" social themed RPs, because they bore the hell out of me. I like action, adrenaline and heroism. So naturally, the RP I made is centred around my inspirations. That's what I'm aiming for anyway.