[b]Name:[/b] Amelia Fairley [b]Nickname:[/b] Amy [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Amy][IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/2ex8xhy.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [b]Medical Ailments:[/b] None [b]Nationality:[/b] Scottish-American [b]Occupation:[/b] Highschool teacher [b]Four Week History:[/b] Right after the terrorizing pandemic hit the state, residents from Amy's suburban home were planning to evacuate onto safer shelters until further notice by the government or at least when hell calms itself down. That's what they believed for the time being as they were mostly misinformed by the media about the outbreak's coverage. People were oblivious about the truth, some even had established beliefs of their own, telling themselves that the government had planned a safe evacuation route for all citizens to take. They foolishly made that assumption until the chaos unraveled itself as they moved out from their homes. Some didn't make it unfortunately, even when it was just the first few days of their supposed 'exodus'. Amy's ex-husband was there for the purpose of helping her and their two kids. Their plan was to evacuate at the area where her ex-husband believed to be a safer ground since it was barricaded by a few construction workers that resided there. They left together with the residents but soon after - while travelling through the highways - they were cornered by a horde. Everything erupted into a chaotic turmoil as people panicked. While some remained calm, the entire exodus crumbled and it only became worse. One after another, they were harvested by the dead. Some managed to hack their way through by taking another route with their vehicles, one of those were Amy's family. They tried to deviate from the highway and onto the narrow roads leading to the forest. However, before they could even make progress, an explosion - which was believed to be a gas leak - blazed the entire scene within seconds. Flames multiplied as they seared their way to one vehicle after another. Within the first several minutes after the explosion, Amy found herself lying dizzily on a car travelling as she noticed the thick black smoke billowing towards the sky. She then realized that it wasn't her ex-husband's car after she recognized her neighbors at the front seat. They explained to her what happened, telling that her family survived the explosion. But that didn't help her at all and instead, she grew desperate on finding them. Chances were slim at that time and even when Amy knew it was impossible at that moment, she persisted. Her neighbors refused to let her go, especially when the dead were running rampant. They continued to drive for days until they eventually ended up at the Dulles International Airport after gas ran out. There they've met a couple of people who have one goal in mind and that is to survive. Amy remembered what her ex-husband had said and the place where they were supposed to evacuate. It was her main destination if only she was specifically informed about it but still planned to go there nonetheless, if chances were to increase. Right now, her only hope is to reunite with her family as soon as possible. [b]Items of Interest:[/b] A backpack containing: [list][*][i] 4 canned food (2 meat loaf and 2 canned spaghetti)[/i] [*][i] 2 1L bottles of water (one of them is half empty)[/i] [*][i] clothing[/i] [*][i] 3 family pictures[/i] [*][i] 1 bar of soap[/i] [*][i] 1 bottle of shampoo[/i] [*][i] perfume[/i] [*][i] powder[/i] [*][i] antibiotics[/i][/list] [b]Weapons:[/b] [list][*][i]a pair of brass knuckles and a kitchen knife.[/i][/list]