[img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4TWWVr038Zk/UGztLeH_9aI/AAAAAAAAcec/zeE_ykVUnEY/s640/hairy-muscle-handsome-hot-frat-boys-studs-men-guys-shirtless-naked-kissing-gay-hung-jocks-jeans-caps-iphone-lust-love-kinky-542.jpg[/img] Name: Noah 'Ares' Cruz Age:19 Gender:Male Height: 6'1 Eye Colours:[color=powderblue]powder blue[/color] and [color=dimgray]grey[/color] Gift: Noah has the ability to remove someone's emotions, (for example, if someone is mourning, he can remove the emotion from them.) the emotions removed are then replaced with heavy anger and frustration and placed as Noah's feelings. Bio: Noah always had an immense temper. It earned him the nickname 'Ares' from a young age. He lived along with his Mom, brother, and sister on the quieter side of town. He seemed to follow trouble, and it followed him. He went to sleep one day, angry with the world, and woke up with a power unlike any other. He was able to remove emotions, and in return, he was fueled with an anger and fury that the god of war himself must be filled with. Afraid of what might happen to his mom, he ran, only telling his brother what was going on. He told his brother he loved him, gave him a letter to give both him mom and sister, an left. He hasn't seen nor heard of his family since the cold rainy day he forced himself to leave. Other: He has [url=http://99tattoodesigns.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Arrow-tattoo.jpg]arrows[/url] tattooed on his left forearm, and a [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/216/3/3/poseidon_by_tabry-d45hjgb.jpg]Poseiden[/url] tattoo on on his right arm.