((Seb and Serena to be cont. after the Gunner Anna thing so we can time jump)) ~*~ Anna tensed as the clapping began, they'd torn their way through quite a few Strigoi till this with the Moroi help and none had been wounded or injured. As Gunner stepped into view Anna's heart cinched up, his words were nothing like what Gunner would say but they were in his voice and the Strigoi inside him was wearing his face. As he mentioned children Anna's heart ached again, Gunner would NEVER hurt children, not HER Gunner but... this isn't her Gunner. She shook her head, "Unfortunately, we knew about the children Gunner. We put it together a while ago, maybe you forgot what it means to be Elite since you tore through the last ones so easily but this time we did our homework... and I was expecting... you." She nodded behind her and the cavern behind Gunner collapsed before fire burst around both he and Anna, caging them in. "I'm not going to kill you Gunner... Just like you said... We need you." She took a fighting stance, but there was no stake in her hand... The other Elites had moved in front of the Moroi and were making no move to help Anna, instead... they looked just as grim as she did. Anna had been training with the other Elites, brushing up on styles and techniques she'd never used before because Gunner knew her too well. If she came at him with the things she'd known before he'd mop the floor with her. She'd taken her time picking up different style focusing mainly on Jujitsu and it's other forms such as Judo and Aikido. She was small and these enabled her to turn another's force and momentum against them instead of confronting it with her own force. It also focused on pressure points, joint locks, and other types of submission and restraint that would come in handy if she wanted to take Gunner down alive. He was much bigger and stronger than her, even more so now that he was a Strigoi, and now their speed was more on par with each other whereas she'd had the advantage there before. She'd have to use his attacks against him if she wanted to win. So, she slid one foot out behind her and brought both hands up. "Come on Pretty Boy... or did you plan on standing there all night?"