Kassy gave a quick smile to the waiter inside, and she followed after Dimitri. "I like it better when you cook anyway. Sometimes the restaurant food is so plain." She could tell he was upset with her. Having lived a good part of her life learning to read people, she was excellent at interpreting body language and vocal tone. "Besides that, I'm sure Regis is missing us. Let us go shopping and I will help you cook. Perhaps I'll make those cookies you like?" Once she'd been taught to manage the stove, Kassy had discovered an interest in baking. While she was good at breads, she much preferred cookies and small cakes. Her favorite was sea salt choco cookies. The touch of salt went well with rich chocolate, and Kassy had a bit of a sweet tooth. "I have some things to do tonight. You can keep the city from destruction, right?" There was a softly joking tone to her voice. Gently she was trying to coax Dimitri back to happiness. As happy as he got, anyway.