This is not a premise where you once stood in an endless void. This is not within a die to be rolled and decide an outcome. This is not something which needs to be wiped away before beginning. Rather, this is something with an outcome determined ahead of time. -Initiate. The black fades into white. The white melts into color. The void is struck by sound. From suspension in a world where all was obscured by a dense fog, a soul is pulled away from the naught just as quickly as it was placed within. The lights and sounds accelerate, whirling against one another in a mad cacophony as they compress like the collapse of a neutron star- Let's begin, then. Wake up. I can feel the air. I can feel the light. I can feel myself. [hr] A groan emanated outwards from the body of a homunculus as she rose to her feet, a hand reaching up to rub her eyes. "Gah, what the hell? My head..." After trailing off, a look of confusion crossed the artificial life form's face as she retracted her hand. "...[i]my[/i] head?" A split second passed before realization set in, the retracted hand immediately shooting up to the sky in celebration, fist clenched. "Yes! It actually happened! Diana, it's time to experience life!" She announced brightly. "Oh, old owner of this body, hope y'don't mind that I'll probably be desecrating whatever you did with this thing. Well, you probably don't exist anymore, so who really cares~?" An instant later, the figure staggered slightly in a dizzy spell. "Kyaa, okay, okay, not used to this yet." She hastily murmured to herself, steadying her posture against a stone wall. Of course, it had already been noticed. With the soul placed into a body, "information" ingrained into the body was now the property of the soul. Their "everything" was now Diana's. Well, save for things contained in the old soul, like memories. But really, Diana could care less about that. [i]'Alrighty, let's see. Some shoddy survival gear, kay. This armor's not bad, I guess. Better than something this body can't support, which from what I can tell covers most armors. Why the hell do I have a sword though? This body's weeeaaak. Doesn't help that I've got this headache and still don't have the hang of this crap yet. Ow.'[/i] Going over the information received by virtue of now being the "owner" of the body, Diana's expression grew annoyed. [i]'Hey, this...this is a joke, right? No physical specs, no special equipment, no nothing. I mean, sure, it's magic-specced, so I could let it slide if it had some cool magic. But this...isn't this just normal elemental magic? There's literally nothing special about anything here, it's just something that's managed to max out its 'normalcy' stat! Seriously, what the hell, old owner?'[/i] Letting out a huff, Diana crossed her free arm over her chest in annoyance. "I deserve some better inheritance than this. Fuckin' jeez." She muttered to herself. [i]'...well, nothing for it. If the body's a boring old rock, I'll just use myself to polish it up.'[/i] After ruminating to herself, Diana's gaze finally drifted over to the weathered statue that lay in the center, her right eyebrow quirking up slightly. "...oh?"