[b][center]Plot[/center][/b] Mysterious cases of comma has been occurring in the small town of Yakuharai. Most people involved in the case were children. It is unknown why they're in the state of comma. Meanwhile in the internet, Lucid dreaming is a trend and topic everywhere in the world. Lucid dreaming means to be conscious while dreaming, it is like you are awake in your dreams. Because of that, Yakuharai Science Facility Inc. made a device to make lucid dreaming easier but the device was not shown in public and it was exclusively used by the facility administrators and staff. The scientist therefore, discovered why the children are in a comma. It is because that they have succumbed to their nightmares and they are not able to wake up. How are they gonna wake up? Who will save the children? [hr] Ok so i just came up with a Persona RP dealing with lucid dreaming. So yeah the other world will be called the 'Dream World' where personas and shadows are active. Also new way of how to be awakened and a new evoker as well. So in order your character to be awakened, he/she needs to face his/her nightmare. Except for the protagonist, the rest will experience this. Oh, this is like Face Yourself in P4 but you are not gonna encounter your Shadow Self but the monster(which is considered as a boss) in your nightmare. All we need to do is to kill that monster and voila! You got your persona! For the evoker, it will be a dream catcher. It looks like this: [hider=Evoker][img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/3-m3ryD8A8oG9ERRDa90qm_iheQo9aJ1zeY0Iwj1W8luRZ05X8ckHddgJWSkp0rWN6pfcMcHOP9D3SuFUYmJnXzn42-uJjLj0_QV6gThLCHrGrZbC0AJ5AWQ=w300-h300-nc[/img][/hider] It is a necklace with a dreamcatcher tied to it. If you tried to summon your persona, the actual dreamcatcher will float then a tarot card will slowly float down until it reached the dreamcatcher. As it reaches the dreamcatcher, the card will get absorbed by the dreamcatcher and your persona will appear. Also we're also applying RPG Elements like dungeon run and stats! So anybody interested?