"This was not what I was expecting." AntoniusPius, eternally poverty-stricken Púca and theatre actress, stared up in horror at the titanic creature that was the Easter boss, a two-storey tall prepubescent 'bunny rabbit' that had trapped all the would-be event-goers in a massive dome of vines. Her virtual hands were tightly gripped around a Roman spatha, the presence of the ancient weapon reassuring her that no, it was not a real giant monster, and no, even if she died fighting it, she was not going to die in her own reality. She was also, of course, mentally berating herself for choosing to participate in the event instead of going straight to her usual money-making locations, but it was too late for her to change her mind now. There was a gigantic 'little girl' in a bunny costume throwing a deadly tantrum above the party, and the only way for her to move forward was to either kill it or die trying. The blonde fae pulled her left hand away from her sword, raising it upwards to perform a spell. It was one she had used frequently in the past whenever she was partying up with others, and she didn't doubt that its effects would be especially useful in this situation. "Oss," began AntoniusPius, the Old Norse activation word signifying that her magic chant would produce a spell that affected the entire party, "auka hraða." And the buff to agility was applied.