Amy woke up, remembering little of what happened on the previous incident but her neighbors, Linda and Allen, were gone. Perhaps they've made it out and decided to leave Amy for good but assumptions told her that they were already consumed by the dead. Maybe they were since the rubble was inescapable but mulling over it proved to be difficult as Amy struggled to get herself on her feet. Her body felt heavy, bruised as it may be as she started to feel the pain lodging to her lower back. Then she crawled, almost as helpless as she looked while doing it, only to have her eyes meet a number of shamblers shuffling their way towards her. Their shrill, grisly cries brought a shivering fear down to her insights. It squirmed, forcing Amy to slip a scream. She held it however but that didn't gave her progress on bringing herself to her feet. Instead, she laid there, weak and helpless. There wasn't an ounce of strength left to run away. Amy couldn't help but gaze at the dead as they made their way towards her. Was it the end? Could there be no chance of reuniting with her family? Amy didn't wish it to be so but in her current state it could most likely happen. She rolled her body to her left without aiming for a direction, perhaps the main point was to drive herself away from the fast-approaching shamblers. Once she did, she continued crawling, dragging herself while her front body leaned against the cemented ground. The pain kept on building up but that didn't stop Amy from going forward. She crawled and crawled until she saw an opportunity awaiting from a distance. A tall building - most likely a carpark - was a few meters away from Amy. It wasn't actually a source of relief until she saw soldiers running towards the entrance. They seemed to be soldiers as what Amy believed since the uniform they wore were vaguely familiar. They might have been ordered by the government to do certain tasks on barricading areas that were congested by the dead but hardly anyone could distinguish what others were doing considering the outbreak had caused people to resort with desperate actions. Who knows? those soldiers may possibly have the same intentions as some people back from the airport. Amy didn't want to go back with some individuals who gave nothing but threats in order to attain supplies. However, Amy wasn't going to bet on that possibility. The dead were almost inches away from her and time was a matter of survival or death. She pushed herself upward, using whatever strength that remained from her weary state. It was painful on the first attempt, both of her feet felt the soreness rising. It was as if they were being constricted by an unknown object. She did another try, bringing herself up as her arms served as pillars to haul her weight up. Eventually it went well despite having her lower back suffer from immediate pain once she stood up. Then she hobbled towards the building, specifically heading towards the entrance. Running wasn't quite possible as it seemed and it would only risk Amy to falter down again. That wasn't what she wanted but at least her movements were faster than the shamblers. She continued with her feeble escape attempt until she was a few feet away from the car park's entrance. Unfortunately, the guarantee of an escape was far from being at her hands. Soon after she arrived, Amy have met with another group of shamblers swarming the ground floor of the entrance. She nearly lost hope but then realized it wasn't yet the end. She needed to figure something out quickly but to her surprise, the dead weren't pausing their attention to her. There were fresh corpses lying on the ground floor and they happened to be busy consuming them one by one. It was a perfect chance. Perhaps she'd consider on thanking those people for dying but wishing for something like that was out of her morals. Both of her feet were gaining strength back but still far from being better. Amy took the chance and ran up to the spiral ramps. She recalled the soldiers heading for the upper floors and so she followed them in a hope to escape this hell. "Help! Anyone! Please!" Amy yelled as she continued running towards the upper levels. She finally arrived shortly after but then a barricade of SUVs stood before her, blocking the path to whatever lies ahead. It would be an easy climb to it of course but Amy wasn't in a good condition to do so. Assuming that there were people who already climbed past it, she waited until someone showed up.That was until she noticed a group of shamblers mindlessly pushing the SUVs. Once Amy's audible footsteps lured their attention, they started dragging themselves towards her. [i]Shit[/i] Amy stepped backwards. Terrified, she tried not to loose herself out in panic. One wrong step would certainly cost her a ton. She craned her neck to her left side, spotting a staircase with no dead being present. It wasn't a safe bet since there could be a possibility of those things lurking in the dark. If only it was daytime, then the difficulty of the situation would have toned down. As the shamblers slowly paced their way towards Amy, she quickly took a sprint to the stairs. She felt the pain piercing through her feet as she ran but worrying about it wouldn't give any positive outcome. Every step made her hope that not one shambler would be on the upper level. Perhaps there wouldn't be any if chances were on her favor. She ran and ran upwards where the stairs led her only to be stopped by a barricade blocking the near end of it. People could be seen on the other side and even the soldiers whom Amy saw before entering the car park. "Hey! Help! Over here!" She started yelling, flailing her arms up in the air just to make sure their attention would get to her. "I need someone to help me climb over this barricade." She added, feeling the strength of her voice depleting within seconds. "Please, anyone. I can barely walk. My feet and back are in severe pain." She leaned herself against the barricade and waited for an aid to come by. But then fear came sprawling back as she heard the cries of the shamblers echoing downstairs. The ones who had followed her seemed to be very persistent.