[b]Alex Clark - Cell - Magnus & co[/b] Everything happened so fast again. As soon as Magnus had started talking about a cure, he had quickly come to the same realisation as Luke. They were stuck here to be used as test subjects for some moronic fuckwit doctor who thought he had a chance to find the cure. Fan-fucking-tastic. However, as he contemplated that option and the possibility for escaping, an arrow was suddenly shot through Richard's shoulder. Stepping forwards reluctantly, keeping a close eye on the batshit crazy girl with the bow, he spoke up. [b]"I know what to do."[/b] He said, kneeling down besides Richard who stared at the arrow syticking through his shoulder in shock. [b]"I mean, I wrote a paper about a medieval surgeon once, who handled this topic."[/b] He added. He didn't want to make himself out to be a skilled medic or anything, or give anyone false hope, but the fact that it was an arrow made it hilariously fortunate he was a history student. Having made jokes for ages that his subject of studies would only get him a practical job at McDonalds was far behind him and gave the entire situation a grim sort of humor. Henry V of England, thanks for your physician's historical sources. Thankfully, due to the close range and the simple shape of the arrowhead, the arrow had gone through his entire shoulder, sticking out both sides. [b]"Danny, secure the shaft sticking out of his shoulder, yes, from the back."[/b] Alex said as he wondered about how he could break the shaft with the least effort, and thu pain for Richard. [b]"Luke, hold the bloody arrowshaft sticking out of the front side, here."[/b] He said, directing both, ignoring the fuckfaces standing outside the cell. He wondered why they were even talking to those twats anyways. It was not like they were here to reassure them or anything. They were their prisoners, and the only reason this Magnus dude was here was because he liked to be here, talking to helpless prisoners. [b]"I'm going to break the shaft, to hold it thightly. Richard, bite on your fucking sleeve."[/b] He said, giving the other guy an empathic look. As soon as Richard did so, he quickly snapped the arrowshaft just where Luke held it, and then helped holding Richard as he violently shocked in pain. Quickly moving to his back he pulled out the arrow from the back. Judging from where it had hit it should've only hit muscle and bone. It passed just under the sternum so it should be mostly okay, he guessed. Not that he knew much about it. Ripping off some fabric from his mostly clean second layer of t-shirt, he pressed it against the wound, wishing they had some sort of alcohol. He sincerely hoped that he had pissed off the girl by breaking the arrow.