Mint endured the little pat on the head, forgiving the little scare rather quickly. She just felt it'd be a waste of time to bother saying more than she already did. "Oh, so you do have experience with them, Clarisse? They don't sound too friendly, from what you're saying.. drawing weapons like that also being rude." Said the little fairy as she wondered what kind of experience could Clarisse, the mermaid in front of her, possibly have with those people. She imagined that it wouldn't be anything good though, from what she heard. "... But couldn't we just watch them like this, so we could just know what they're up to by their actions? That's what I thought anyway." Mint didn't completely disagree with withdrawing, but she didn't really agree with just letting them come without any warning about their possible routes. She couldn't know about the mermaid which already went and warned the minotaurs, but she didn't want to be the one responsible if the pirates just decided to pop out of nowhere inside the minotaur village.