As Raine finished cooking up the last few bits of meat for herself, she nodded slightly at Flake's statement. "Okay...I'll dry the meat tomorrow..." Her hands were slow as she began to pick the cooked meat from the rack and place them on another broken plate that she had found for herself. She then settled down by the fireplace, her back pressed up lightly against the surprisingly cool stone, and set the plate in her lap. Raine was oblivious to the small burns that covered a few spots on her fingers as she picked a piece of meat up and placed it into her mouth, savoring the flavor the flooded her taste buds then humming softly in bliss. This food, although not well seasoned, reminded Raine of her father, of times where he would bring back deer to eat and she would help cook it with him. It was almost like Raine was there again, hearing her father's laughter and the scent of fresh herbs found in the surrounding woods. The atmosphere in the house was always so cheerful and loving... Raine felt her heart become heavy in her chest. No, why was she remembering these things? Why now? She didn't want to remember such painful things. As she pulled herself from her thoughts, Raine realized that she had been staring ahead at nothing in particular and her fingers were still to her lips, as if they were frozen there. Shaking her had lightly, she removed her fingers and resumed eating, a bit faster now since she did not want to fall into her thoughts again. Once done, she slowly stood to her feet and made her way over to the stairs, speaking briefly to Flake as she did so. "I'm going to sleep now...good night."