*cracks fingers* Aight brochachos, here goes! --- [i][b][u]"Lady Luck has held my hand for the entirety of my life. Here's to proving I never needed it!"[/u][/b][/i] [s]inb4 slips and dies[/s] [img]http://i.imgur.com/QUi5zjE.jpg?1[/img] [h2][color=white]Harvey Estabraq[/color][/h2] [b][i]AKA "Harv"[/i][/b] [b][i]Male[/i][/b] [i][b]16[/b][/i] [i][b]English/Iraqi[/b][/i] [i]After being plunged face-first into the throes of war, Harv had not lived easily as a child. The time normal children used to play around and laugh heartily with their families in the safety of their typical suburban life and whatnot, was the time Harvey and his mother had spent constantly running, on the move-- whether they were cowering in fear or simply trying to survive. More than once was the poor kid unintentionally caught in an explosion, only to have wriggled out of death's grasp Justin Lin style. Seriously, he LIVED on miracles. Harvey's parents were engaged on the basis of an interracial marriage. Supposedly, this would've been fine - if it weren't for the fact that his Iraqi father was urgently recruited to join the army only months after Harv was born. Something about his connections and bloodline directly descended from a long gone Arabian warlord. Poor guy could've bet his lower torso that it was simply because of a drastic soldier shortage. They were having none of that... but low and behold! his father was then threatened if he decided to refuse. The Estabraq's grieving mother simply couldn't let go of her beloved, and so, had taken it upon herself to decide for the three of them to move to the barren, yet treacherous war-stricken lands that had been the catalyst of a loving family's fallout.[/i] [i]Tragically, his [s]clingy[/s] over-affectionate mother and the poor soldier had died together on the battlefield. People say she dug her own grave by throwing herself in front of her husband as he was held at gun-point by a double-agent in their combatant unit, only to be fatally shot in the ass. The poor man had to grieve for his wife and look on in horror as the spy sidestepped the couple to get a better angle for a clean head-shot, and [i]boom.[/i] As a result, Harvey was taken in by the nation's childcare initiative, something the government had put up to try and compensate for the lack of medical sustenance. The orphaned children were shipped off to random schools all over the world - it was by an unbelievable stroke of luck he had landed himself the same school his penpal was assigned to. Oh, was he hyped! A traumatized, battle-scared (limited to collateral damage) kid thrown into the woes of highschool. It was going to be a new type of battle to survive.[/i] - [i]Despite his slight tinge of PTSD, Harvey is known to care immensely for the few friends he had managed to score his entire life, especially a young boy who wrote letters to him before and after the war. Harv puts others before himself, usually because of the fact he had barely gotten the chance to care for anybody else besides himself while on the run. (You could say he takes after his mother in this aspect.) After he'd gotten adopted by the children's care institute was the time he'd decided it was time to step it up a notch and try to include others in his life. Careless he was not, as his father himself had taught him that even a passing thought could get you killed. Strategically, he was the go-to guy. The slight anxiety with the crowd can sometimes result in a sense of distrust, a skill that got his own father far during the war until his demise. TL;DR - Affectionate, analytical and careful. Can come across as blunt. [/i] - [b]In terms of relationships, so far Harvey has scored himself a pen pal. They write to each other very frequently. [/b] [i][u](AKA Inertia)[/u][/i] - [i]-Minor PTSD -Taste for art -can handle guns -Never watched porn -Wears both the bullets that shot through his parents around his neck in a chain[/i]