[h3] On Deck~~!! [/h3] [hider=TamTam~~<3!!][img]http://ow.ly/Ke37c[/img][/hider] Lightning, angry and demanding cut the spiralling, storming heavens above her and TamTam cringed even more than when the giant poles grumbled forth then swept from the hull and out across the rough seas. Like angel wings attempting to pacify a greyed out, murderous beast, they hovered and the blue-eyed teen could not help but feel strange comfort upon seeing the unblemished material of the outstretched posts. But the sounds of them unfurling. Oh shudder! She had bumbled up to a standing position, reaching out after the fox who she thought was not a fox but her love in disguise. But this fox darted this way and that, eluding her desperate attempts to caress its fuzzy frame. Her jaw dropped open and baby blues widened in alarm when the fox nimbly dashed away from her. Tamara-Jane then scowled and pulled up at her torn denim sleeves as if ready to get down and dirty,[color=00aeef] “Oh nonononono...! I've been waiting for this moment for sooooooooooo long now, LynLyn!! I don't thinks so! You are sooooo not getting away again!”[/color] She took two steps then she heard someone speak and promptly came to a skidding halt. [color=a2d39c]“Forgiveness comes to all good souls...”[/color] spoken from the lips of an angel. Quickly she wheeled about and held her bloody chin with both hands. She felt the sting of pressing tears again but held them back for even though he sounded like one, TamTam did not see an angel before her. [color=6ecff6][i]No wings... but a butterfly on his hat...?[/i][/color] A soft smile she offered the dude, this [i]AngelMan[/i] and inhaled deeply before she spoke-- [color=a187be]--"Hey, is anyone there? There is something down here. Get us out of here!"--[/color] Tamara-Jane jumped then held a blood-smeared hand where her heart thudded away. [i][color=6ecff6]Heart?! LynLyn![/color][/i] Baby blues widened again and she swiftly glanced over her shoulder. The amber eyes of the fox stared into hers and Tamara-Jane's lips pouted with wistful affection. [color=6ecff6][i]Oooooh... of course... you're waiting for me...[/i][/color] [color=00aeef]“Hey, baby, hey...”[/color] Wet black hair re-plastered against her forehead as she turned back to face the [i]Angelman[/i][color=00aeef] “Thank you. My name is Tamara-Jane Winstanley. TamTam. And TamTam needs that forgiveness, please, I'm sure you must understand. That's why I need to be with that fox in Heaven. Crystal-Lynne, that's her... I just know it... Please understand... and please--”[/color] TamTam pointed at the speaker, [color=00aeef]“--save them too. Please.”[/color] [color=f7976a]"Aye, I hear ya,"[/color] It was [i] Les Mis![/i] [color=f7976a] "Just sit uh...sit tight, where are ya?" [/color] [color=a187be]"Engine room! We're in the fecking-- We're in the fecking engine room!"[/color] She nodded graciously at the [i]Angelman[/i] then took leave in the direction of the fox. As she moved, she spied in the distance, between the shrubbery and tree trunks, [i]Les Mis[/i] near the speaker tube thingy and just behind her [i]Neko-Chan[/i] sprung out from the doorway, mewling, all saddened and lost looking. They did not look so scary out here in light of the raging storm above them and churning sea neath them. And [i]Les Mis[/i] was going to save people too. Looking up towards them, a flash of a smile and a slender, but bloodied hand she raised for them, before turning around and bolting away, chasing the fox (bunny still lolling from its mouth) wherever it may lead her down those steps. [color=00aeef]“LynLyn! Foxy lady! Wait up, chick! I'm going with you!”[/color]