[img]http://data1.whicdn.com/images/65451648/thumb.jpg[/img] Name: Viole Mallory Age: 17 Personality: Viole has always been odd. She can be harsh at times but really just doesn't want to be alone. She seeks to be like others. To not stand out so much. She tries to be nice, but she can't always be like that. Bio: Viole has always been anti-social. She had always stayed at the sidelines, not wanting to be a part of stupid parties or other activities. She stayed by herself and read. She just wasted away her early years reading. Trying to blend in, to disappear. Just trying to get rid of the pain she felt. Rose: Yellow The Other Side: ((Species of Monster Unknown)) [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f6/a8/de/f6a8deb34252ce4b7ad3588dd3e1cdd7.jpg[/img] Tattoo Location: Back of neck Trigger: Flowers Partner: Tobias Wilson Other: Albino [hider=First Person CS] [center][img]http://data1.whicdn.com/images/65451648/thumb.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f6/a8/de/f6a8deb34252ce4b7ad3588dd3e1cdd7.jpg[/img] [i]You're lucky you're not like me.[/i] [b]Name[/b] [i]"I'm Viole Mallory. Nothing else to say about my name"[/i] [b]Age[/b] [i]"I'm seventeen. Youngest girl in the family.[/i] [b]Personality[/b] [i]"I don't like people. And I can be harsh, though i sincerely try to be as nice as I can. And I don't want to be an outcast. But most other people aren't like me"[/i] [b]Bio[/b] [i]"I had always stayed inside. I din't make friends, I didn't want to go out. I just wanted to stay inside and read. I didn't really talk to my family either. So yeah, not much to say.[/i] [b]Rose[/b] [color=fff200]Yellow[/color] [b]The Other Side of Me[/b] [i]"We don't now what's it's called. I just know that it floated and looks different from all the others"[/i] [b]Tattoo Location[/b] [i]"It's on the back of my neck"[/i] [b]Triger[/b] [i]"Flowers. Yeah. Flowers. I can't really go outside 'cause who knows there could be flowers out there"[/i] [b]Partner[/b] [i]"I've never thought about it"[/i] [b]Other[/b] [i]"I'm albino"[/i] [/center][/hider]