[center][IMG]http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i384/LugiaFan009/com__ipead_by_corrico-d6cd7e7_zpsojngabyx.jpg[/IMG] May Not Look It But I'm Very Shy [b]Name[/b] Natalie Mallory [b]Age[/b] Eighteen [b]Personality[/b] I'm painfully shy and never really talk to other people outside my family. I hate parties or gatherings, cause it just makes me feel awkward and weird. Within my family I am very kind and caring, acting carefree and childish because I love to. It's different around new people though, I get quiet and rarely talk, I never speak up for myself. I don't have much when it comes to self-esteem, I always think I'm in the way or no use to anyone, maybe even annoying? I guess that's my own way of thinking. I'm very skittish and a tendency to hide my emotions, just because I don't want to bother anyone else with them, in fact I'm a crybaby per say if I manage to make it to my room I sit there and cry till it's over with. I hate getting scared, which I guess is a precaution since it has the chance to trigger the other side of me, but mostly because I have half the vision I used to have so I'm a little more....cautious. [b]Bio[/b] You wondering about the eye patch? When I was little I went out when I wasn't supposed to, some guy got me to worked up and made me change to my other form. Of course being frightened he pulled out a gun and shot me, which made me lose sight in my left eye. After that I don't go out much, we shouldn't go out at all in fact, but I guess someone has to do the shopping around here. I mostly cook for the family, not because I have to because I want to, and I'm a little more experienced then the rest of them. Unless it's cooking or something important I rarely come out of my room unless one of my siblings drag me out of it to get a little more 'fresh air' I guess. If I ever go outside I just stay within the family garden that's hanging around back, little place for me to get some peace and quiet. I'm in no hurry to get this cursed remove, but I guess I hafta if I want to be normal, this is going to be a very awkward experience. [b]Rose [/b] [color=0072bc]Blue[/color] [b]The Other Side Of Me [/b] The Side Of Me I Hope No One Has To [url=http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i384/LugiaFan009/Hell_Hound_by_javen_zps561160e2.jpg]See[/url] Supposedly It's Called A Hellhound. Why Did I Get Such An Ugly Thing! [b]Tattoo Location [/b] My tattoo? Well the stem starts at my neck and comes up around just behind my left eye which is covered by my eye patch so that's good [b]Trigger[/b] Well for me it's easy to trigger when I get overwhelmed or when I feel threatened that's when it comes out and the sad thing is I can't control it, it sort of takes over and I'm not in the right of mind. If I start to hyperventilate and my pupils dilate that's usually the start of it. [b]Partner[/b] P-Partner?! No, no one would want me [b] Other[/b] I have a soft spot for animals and I'm an excellent cook, just saying[/center]