The question of 'what comes after death' has been debated for millennia by all sorts of people, whether they be religious clerics, esteemed minds of the scientific community (though it did share a large overlap with the former), lunchtime philosophers and even anonymous posters on Internet forums, whose wisdom could be considered incredibly radical in comparison with the previous three groups (an argument, of course, could be made for the lunchtime philosophers, for evidence exists to certain pecularities arising in one's beliefs during a hot meal of takoyaki). But to AntoniusPous, none of what these groups debated was relevant to her, as dying had lead to her respawning with a loss of experience for her fishing and cooking skills (an arbitrary choice for the game, but she was thankful that none of her other, more useful, skills had been hit) as well as a loss of ... all her money. That was a far larger blow, because she had taken a week to acquire those funds, and without them, she was broke again. She refused to curse the two-storey eight year old or her party for sharing responsibility in depriving her of well-earned cash. It would be undignified, and honestly also quite unfair to the groggy group of players around her (having been the first to die, the PĂșca had spent a bit more time adjusting to her death and rebirth - lag was quite killer). She was still going to kill the Easter boss, mark her words, but this time she would find a better party to assist her. First of all, however, she eas going to turn in a quest for some funds, sell some of the junk she had been hoarding in the bank, and buy a crapton of healing potions (as well as mana ones in case she spammed too many spells for her regen to handle). AntoniusPius took to the air, allowing the magic to flow through her wings as she flew in the direction of the nearest city. This time, she was going to avoid a total-party kill no matter the cost.