[center] [URL=http://s1369.photobucket.com/user/jordanlair5/media/Stare_zpsplfpvecu.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1369.photobucket.com/albums/ag231/jordanlair5/Stare_zpsplfpvecu.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1369.photobucket.com/user/jordanlair5/media/Dragon_zps1e47ecad.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1369.photobucket.com/albums/ag231/jordanlair5/Dragon_zps1e47ecad.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tewnLJj3V9w]"Everyone is different just under the surface."[/url] [b]Appearance[/b] Dominic is tall, standing at a imposing 6'5 in height, and has a muscular athletic build. He has pale skin that has the occasional scar here and there. His eyes are a shocking deep crimson red and have quite the piercing gaze. His hair is a pitch black mess, it being long and untamed. He has think side burns that stretch into a chin strip beard. Also both of his ears are pierced in two places, at the bottom and tip of the ear. [b]Name[/b] Dominic [b]Age[/b] Nineteen [b]Personality[/b] [I]"What am I suppose to open up to you? To tell you what my hopes and dreams are? Am I suppose to believe that you understand the crap I've been through? Please! You couldn't begin to understand all the stuff I've had to struggle through in this life. I have lived through things that would send you screaming to your mother. All you need to know is if you mess with me or my family... well the only thing that will be left of you is a small pile of ash. Understood? Good, now get out of my face!"[/I] [b]Bio[/b] [I]"What is my story? Psssshh! Not that interesting of one, Hell there are kids books more interesting. Well what do you expect when you spend all of your life locked up in some old house? I spent most of my time just trying to kill time, exploring the old place, practicing with some of the bows and swords that were left around the place, and of course messing with my siblings. Oh and if you think just because I can do it you can too let me just tell you this. You put a finger on one of them you will not be getting that finger back. But you want to know about the curse don't you? What do you want me to say? It is what it is, bullcrap. I mean just because my great-great-great whatever decided to be an asshat I have to have a curse? Bullcrap.... Whatever, story time is over so get out of here before I kick you out of here."[/I] [b]Rose[/b] Black [b]The Other Side Of Me[/b] [I]"Have you ever wondered what a dragon would look like in real life? Well you are about to get your wish. Yep, scales, fiery eyes, wings, the whole nine yards. Now if I were you I would start running"[/I] [b]Tattoo Location[/b] On Dominic's back, with vines of thorns the stretch down both of his arms. [b]Trigger[/b] [I]"If you are stupide enough to make me mad... well you are really going to have a bad rest of your day."[/I] [b]Partner[/b] [I]"Pssh, like someone would be that crazy..."[/I] [b]Other[/b] [I]"I am great with a blade and my bow, I swear I was born in the wrong century."[/I] [/center]