The ride had been miserable, Anna had been unable to release Gunner from the netting. For everyone's safety she had to leave him in there because he could be faking his unconsciousness. Anna knew better, Gunner's cries as the net had fallen on him had torn her and they'd only stopped once he'd been sedated... She was glad that the other Elites had suggested it, she didn't think she could have taken watching him burn in agony the whole way to court. As they arrived, Anna allowed them to take Gunner away from her... She had to find Seb and Serena, let them know what was going on even though she didn't want her friends seeing him this way. She took a breath and knocked on their room door and an unfamiliar Guardian answered it, "Guardian Ross... you've returned. One moment, I'll inform Sebastian." Anna shook her head and brushed past the woman, "It's important." ~*~ Seb had taken Serena back to the room, he'd planned to change into less formal clothing and take her to the hotsprings to relax them both over the fiasco earlier when a knock came at the door and Anna barged past Airen. "Anna... are you alright?" Anna shook her head, "I'm... not really sure how to answer that. We found Gunner... and we brought him back with us." Seb smiled, "He's alright then?" She shook her head again, "He's strigoi..." "They... brought a strigoi into court?" She nodded, "He has information on missing children and he has an army hidden somewhere... we couldn't kill him." Seb flinched at the words, "I'm sorry Anna, how did you manage to bring him back?" "Silver netting... enchanted." Sebastian winced and Anna reassured him, "We sedated him... He didn't feel most of it." She took a breath, "Seb... I don't want you to see him this way but... you're the only other spirit user aside from Jace and the Queen around..." He nodded, "I know and -" "I'm going to ask Serena... I know it's your ability but you're hers too... and she has your child... Plus, Gunner isn't exactly a puppy at the moment. He'll be waking up soon... Even if we manage to sedate him again you'll be in danger. Talk to her... let me know what you decide. Text or just come down to the cells... depending on the answer..." Anna left and went back to the cells, sure enough... Gun was awake and he wasn't happy. She stuffed her hands in the pockets of her jacket and moved just out of arms reach from the bars. The other Guards were staying a sufficient distance away to avoid an issue with compulsion. "These bars aren't just silver...they're enchanted too." She sighed, "And the whole diameter of your cell is warded... If you compulse me, they'll sedate me. You're out of options here Gun..." She took a breath, "I know you won't want Seb and Serena to have seen you this way but thanks to your stunt with Jace... Seb is the only spirit user aside from the Queen who can turn you back unless they call in Adrian or Sonya Karp and they're too far away right now. You're too much of a risk to keep this way for long..." ~*~ Seb sighed, no rest for the weary. He moved to find Serena, thinking she was probably still changing. He pushed open the door and smiled at her, "Hello beautiful..." He ran a hand through his hair, "Anna came back..."