((On my phone still. Heading home. Posts will be better in an hour.)) Gunner hissed at Anna when she spoke and snacked his hands against the bars before retracting them as it burned his skin. He sneered when she brought up Sebastian and Gunner, "You don't know a thing. This is who I am. Who I was meant to be. I'm better now, the best. Sebastian deserves to see me like this, my full potential realized," he started to pace in the small cage, "Maybe I'll let him see me like this before I drink him dry... Serena's still pregnant isn't she? Oh how upset she'll be that you got him killed. I won't even awaken him. Killing him will hurt you more." He gave her a sickening grin, "I'm going to destroy everything you love before I show you the mercy of killing you," he laughed, "That's what you deserve after leaving, after [i]this[/i]. Those children are going to die and it is all your fault, Ross. This is all your fault." ~ Serena was only partially dressed when Sebastian came into the room looking for her. She smiled at him when he called her beautiful, somehow it always felt like the first. When he mentioned Anna being back, she nodded, "I heard her... I also heard what she said about Gunner." She wrapped her arms around him, "Go... I know you want to. Gunner is family... whatever he is... the real him hates it. He is too good a man to live like that," she moved one of her hands to his face and smiled softly, "And you are to good a man to leave him like that." She sighed, "But you had best come back to me. I'm not raising our baby alone. I don't if I'll even be able to," thoughts of Vladimir's Guardian's quick decent into madness after he died popped into mind. A possibility that was all too real after her stake incident. She moved her hands to his and squeezed them lightly, "I'll go to the infirmary and get more enchanted silver for the both of us for after you turn Gunner back," She leaned in and kissed him, "Be safe..."