Anna sighed, his words hurt but she kept the emotion from her face... "I know you Gunner, and this isn't you... Even when you get wrapped up in being the best you've always been the most caring person I knew. So, you can say what you want but you're just a monster wearing Gun's face and I won't let you hurt me or my friends... I will kill you if I have to because Gunner would hate knowing he'd hurt anyone of us. It would destroy him... and you're not him." She stood, "You can call me Anna Banana all you want 'Pretty Boy' but I know what you are... You might be in control of him now but you won't be for long... One way or the other." ~*~ Seb sighed and kissed Serena, "You're wonderful, you know that... Keep an eye on things... up here." He tapped his forehead and then kissed her again, "You're right though... We have to make sure Gunner comes back. He's part of our odd little family." He wrapped his arms around her, kissed her belly and then ran a hand through her hair... He would be lying if he said he wasn't worried but Anna had to have a plan. No way would she put him in danger without one. "I love you, call a feeder for me?" He was going to need it by the time he came back... When he got to the Cells he heard Anna talking and came up beside her shortly after. The minute he saw Gunner he was struck by both the similarities and the differences... He was wearing Gunner's face but the menacing look on it was one Gunner had never directed at his friends... The eyes were the same sky blue but the red ringed the iris darkly and his skin had paled significantly in the time he'd been gone. He didn't bother addressing Gunner, he knew he wouldn't like hearing the monster talk with his friend's voice. "What do you need me to do?" ~*~ Anna turned her gaze back on Gunner, "Sorry Gun, we aren't playing fair... We can't take the risk..." Two moroi came up to her and she nodded... Earth and stone burst from the ground and wrapped around Gunner's legs up to his hips and then Anna yanked the door open and darted around behind him, catching him in an arm lock. "Now!" A batch of dirt flew into Gunner's eyes just as Seb lunged forward and brought the stake down...