[center] [color=662d91][h3]~Abigail Blanchett~[/h3][/color] Well, it took him long enough to get everyone in the back. By the time she had gotten in line for her pokemon, though she had ended up almost at the back of the line. Even little miss cotton candy head had somehow managed to jump in front of her. Oh well, not that it mattered. Whatever Pokemon she got was sure to be the best anyways. So, the purple haired girl waited for her turn, if a bit impatiently judging from the way her arms were folded across her chest and her foot was tapping impatiently on the ground. First up, was a kid who chose a Swinub. A respectable ground type. Well, she had a preference to fighting and ground types herself so the kid immediately was a little more tolerable in her mind. Unless he chose the Pokemon for it's Ice typing. Then that was a different matter altogether. She didn't like such flammable types so much. A bit of heat, and the Pokemon were nothing but little puddles. She liked more...sturdy Pokemon. Second up, was a timid looking girl who seemed to take quite awhile choosing. She almost wanted to know what exactly the girl was pondering to be up there for so long. And then, she seemed to chose her pokemon almost at random. Seriously? This girl should just stay at home if she couldn't even handle choosing a Pokemon by herself. The fact was further confirmed when she opened the pokemon, releasing a Houndour from it, which promptly bit its new owner. Abigail smirked slightly. Well, the competition was going to be easy to crush, at least. It wouldn't even be competition at this rate. Next up, was the guy who had been laughing quite loudly. She wondered what annoying pokemon he was going to chose. Probably something like maybe...what was that loud annoying Pokemon form Hoenn called? Whismur? Yeah, that's the one. Dear god, she hoped there was no pokemon like that up there. He seemed to take quite some time as well, choosing the Pokemon they wanted. It wasn't like this was some major, life altering decision people made it out to be and-was that guy crying? A loud, amused laugh escaped her lips. Dude, if he was crying just from being happy at getting a pokemon, then he really wasn't suited on going on a journey. Didn't he come in with that girl who got bit by the houndour? Hah, they were probably friends and were probably going to fail together. What, a loser duo then? Haha, yeah, that seemed right. She wouldn't be surprised if they dropped out after getting thrashed by their first gym challenge. She adjusted herself, pulling her attention back to the table, still snickering a bit to herself. Next up, was the cotton candy for brains. She seemed to take her sweet time too. In fact, everyone seemed to think this was some life altering decision. Well, at least Melody chose her pokemon soon enough. A Mareep?...seemed oddly fitting for the girl, actually. And a surprisingly good choice, considering what it evolved into. An Ampharos could easily be a powerful pokemon in the right hands. Maybe Melody was smarter than she gave her credit for? Oh well, not that it mattered much. Next up, another boy. Blond hair, lose and comfortable clothes. He didn't seem like a person who took life to seriously. He immediately bored her. Well, until she saw his choice of pokemon. A hideous green thing she recognized as a grass type. She had nothing against grass types in general, but the color green? Well, it was something of a huge turn off for her. She absolutely hated the color. Just ew. She had to restrain herself from saying something of the sort to the kid. And then, it was her turn. Right after the green guy. With a smirk, and as much confidence as she always walked with, she approached the table. She quickly looked at the pokeballs and their labels, walking quickly up and down the length of the table to make sure she didn't miss one, deciding only three had currently interested her for the moment. Tyroge, or the two Nidorans. The latter two were poison types, but if she remembered correctly, they evolved into poison/ground types. Nidoking and Nidoqueen respectively. And while she did love fighting types, she loved Nidoking more. After all, who could resist a pokemon that was the same color as their hair? She picked up the pokeball containing the Nidoran M, and after moving a bit of away from the table, releasing it from its pokeball in the next instant. In a flash of red light, the little pokemon was released, and soon it was sitting on the floor looking around at its surroundings. Soon, its tiny eyes fell upon her, and it looked up at its new trainer with almost impossibly large and cute eyes. She found herself smiling at the small pokemon, as she knelt down and sat on her heels as she reached out and gave the Nidoran a scratch behind his ears to which he let out a rather pleased sounding cry. [color=662d91]"Well, aren't you just a strong looking little guy?"[/color] She let out a small laugh. [color=662d91]"Yes, you'll do nicely."[/color] She hummed to herself, as she stopped scratching it. The Nidoran placed its front paws on her knees, still giving a quizzical look to its new owner, who decided to pick the small pokemon up, as she carried it in her arms. The Nidoran fidgeted for a bit as she held it before finding the nearest seat away from the others, she placed the Nidoran on her lap, and waited for the last person to chose so professor Elm could let the out of her. The Nidoran, simply seemed content to sit on its trainers lap for now, glad to be receiving a few more scritches on its ears as she waited.[/center]