The blinding white light filled the room as Sebastian staked Gunner in the heart. As Gunner's soul came back to him, the earth fell away from his body and Gunner collapsed to the ground. It took only a moment of being down of his hands and knees for him to vomit. Tears filled his eyes and thoughts about all the terrible things he had done. He had only been gone just over a month but he had caused more mayhem that most Strigoi. Strigoi liked to lie low, take the Moroi they need to feed and not show their faces. That was not what Gunner had done. Sure, he was elusive but he wasn't in hiding. He had destroyed communes and Moroi homes, he had attacked defenseless people... He had killed his friends. He vomited again before he moved and sat back. He covered his face and rested his elbows on his knees, saying nothing. Gunner had normally had his hold on his feelings and he had rarely cried... in fact, the last time he cried was when he thought Anna had become a Strigoi. Now, as he sat there on the ground next to his own vomit, he was sobbing. His entire body trembled as he seemed to try and hide himself away from those who were looking at him and everyone was looking at him. Not only because he had just been brought back from that horrendous state of being but also because this wasn't the Gunner they knew. The Gunner they knew was strong and powerful. The man before them was broken and scared and trembling. ~ Serena smiled at him, "Besides, we need someone to come to our wedding," She joked, trying to make light of the situation. She placed her hand on the back of his head as she kissed her stomach before requested that she call up a feeder for him. She nodded, "I'll have one waiting in the bathroom for you," She said quietly. She watched him as he left and took a deep breath. Her hands were shaking, she was terrified. The last time this happened to Sebastian, he nearly went insane. However, he had also brought her back from death and really, that was what pushed him over the edge. Not to mention, because of what had happened with her cutting herself Sebastian had completely avoided using any spirit that he could. Which meant the darkness in him was really quite low right now, hopefully bringing Gunner back would only make him a little thirsty. She grabbed a charmed necklace that Sebastian had given her and put it on. She began to play with the pendant as she walked over to the phone. She called down to the feeders and asked for them to send on up and informed them about how she didn't want to see whoever it was they were sending. She informed them that the feeder was to be brought into the bathroom of the main room and was to wait for Sebastian there. With that all handled, she grabbed a shirt and pulled it on before climbing onto the bed and leaning back against the headboard. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Due to her medication, connecting to Sebastian now actually caused a bit of focus. All the same, she watched on, pushing down any feelings that she had when she saw Gunner, reminding herself that that would soon be gone. Then it happened, it happened rather quickly as well. Sebastian pounced on their trapped friend and then she was forced back into her own head as their bond was lost for a few moments after the change. She exhaled in relief, that it had all worked out. She assumed that the three of them would be in the room soon, so she didn't go back into Sebastian's head but instead waited for them to come back on the bed.