[center][img]http://thewrestlingrevolution.com/images/wrestlers/kiyoshi.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Akira (明) Miyamoto (宮本) Ring name: Kintaro, formerly known as 'The Great Akira' during his time in the AJW Age: 24 Billed from: The Island of Okinawa Height: 5'10" Weight: 190 lbs. Alignment: Face Gimmick: The smarks of the Global Pro Wrestling audience are well aware of Kintaro's time in the Association of Japanese Wrestling as The Great Akira, an enigmatic, menacing and methodical being garbed in elaborate costumes and headdresses baring symbols of the Shinto gods who's face was hidden behind equally extravagant face-paint as a tribute to the legendary Great Kazuki, but for now, Kintaro's gimmick is simply that he is a prodigious incoming talent from the Far East. However, Kintaro's psyche is still warped from his time as Akira, and he retains trace mannerisms from his days in Japan. Most notably, Kintaro still holds no qualms about spraying mist in his opponent's eyes when he is sufficiently desperate. The longer a match goes on, the deeper Kintaro delves towards the Akira character, whether it be by crawling and snaking his way around ringside, biting the top rope and staring at his opponent or even using his own blood as a crude ink for his face-paint. In short, Kintaro is a man on the edge of insanity, and it's only a matter of time before he is pushed to the breaking point. Entrance Music: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tq3wqqkX7lk]Kintaro[/url], [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9b6HRgT0nQ]Akira[/url] Entrance Description: As the newest member of GPW's roster, Kintaro keeps his entrance simple, seeing as he's not near popular enough to start getting into pyrotechnics and other such theatrics. For now, Kintaro's entrance consists of him wearing a plain Japanese-style vest, interacting with the fans at ringside, entering the ring and sitting on the top turnbuckle of corner post furthest away from the entrance ramp with his feet resting on the second, anticipating (or sizing up, if he enters second) his opponent before the beginning of the match. Wrestling Style: Kintaro is a man known for his versatility and explosiveness, a true wrestler's wrestler who knows how to put on a show and chain together move after move to make both competitors look good, what would today be known as a ring technician, only without the specialty in submission holds. While capable of mixing in a couple of suplexes to his spots, Kintaro's lack of size and strength is evident when he competes against the larger members of GPW's roster, though he makes up for his lack of size with extraordinary quickness, lightning kicks, a penchant for high-flying antics, and the ability to use almost any of his moves at almost any time. Finishing Move: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77jQS5NfNkA]Springboard Tornado DDT[/url], dubbed "The Rising Sun" by American audiences. Signature Moves: [list] [*][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM3VK0Sid6o]Asian Mist[/url] (Typically preempted by Kintaro clutching his throat as if choking; color dependent on costume; occasionally used theatrically as Akira) [*][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q107BM1S984]Enziguri[/url] [*][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBdrtUTXydI]Shooting Star Press[/url] (Running, springboard, or top rope) [*][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeFkVQCQBs4]Handspring Back Elbow[/url] [/list]