Gunner couldn't control his crying which was a first for him. He just couldn't stand the idea of what he had been. He wanted to shy away from Anna when he heard her speaking. All the things he had wanted to do to her... The ways he had planned in his head to destroy her... To ruin her life. Not just her life either though, Sebastian's and Serena's as well. He was ready to kill his best friend and leave his pregnant wife alone... Hell, given the chance he'd probably just have offed Serena as well knowing that Anna would be worse off alone. He didn't shy away though, he just lowered his head onto his forearms at his knees and the girl tried to console him. To be honest, he was glad that it was Sebastian that had brought him back. Sure, he hadn't wanted his friend to see him as Strigoi but he didn't want anyone to see him like this... He was just glad that it was his friends that were there for him. When he felt Anna's fingers against his forehead, he turned and leaned into her. She understood, to an extent what it was like... What you became. She had bit him when she was turned by Anya all those years ago and it had devastated her. He rested his head against her chest and cried into her, his breathing shallow and irregular. His fingers moved and clung to her shirt before he slowly managed to get a grip on himself. His sobbing quieted leaving him sniffling. He sat back, finally showing his fact to the two of them. His eyes were red making the blue of them stand out more than ever. His jaw was clenched as tears dripped from it and he looked between the both of them. When he finally spoke his voice was hoarse and cracked, "Thank you..."