As he leaned into her hand Anna's heart thawed... she could relax now. HER Gunner was back, he was back and he was hurting. All the emotion she'd locked down in case she had to kill him came flooding back and as he cried into her she lowered her head and cried too... Running her hands over his back as she kissed his head and his cheeks. She'd been so terrified she wouldn't get him back, that trying to get him back would get her friends killed but she hadn't been able to fully give up on him... Even when she'd staked him that first time in the caves, she'd done so half-heartedly and truth be told if she'd have meant it instead of hesitated Gunner wouldn't be here now and she'd be dead too thanks to his Mom. "I thought... I was scared I'd lost you..." She took a breath and gave him a shakey smile, "Welcome back Gun..." Seb was still there, still listening and when he heard the sobs slow he came back around to find Gunner looking up. As he thanked them Seb felt a knot in his throat, he was glad to have his friend back... "You're welcome, Marks..." He shook his head, "We missed you..." Anna ran her fingers through his hair again and took another breath, "I'm so sorry Gun... I tried to find you sooner but all the information was mucked... We'll put this right though, you and me... I promise." She glanced at Seb, "You feel okay enough to help me get him out of here?" Seb nodded, "Yeah... I don't like seeing him down here, and I'm sure Serena wants to see him."