[center][img]http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/178/0/0/geek_in_the_pink_by_piku_chan21-d6azbov.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] "My name's Blaze, Blaze Mallory. It's a odd name." [b]Age[/b] "I'm 19." [b]Personality[/b] "I'm very kind and I love to make people laugh by playing funny little pranks on people. I also give anything I've outgrown to those in need of them." [b]Bio[/b] "Grew up with my family in the house. Not much else when you can't leave the building..." [b]Rose:[/b] "I'm the Pink Rose. Make's sense with the pink hair." [b]The Other Side Of Me:[/b] "It's lame. I turn into a pixie, go ahead and laugh." [img]https://img0.etsystatic.com/000/0/5716010/il_340x270.269984918.jpg[/img] [b]Tattoo Location:[/b] "On my side. I hate it." [b]Trigger:[/b] "Whenever I get really sad or angry. It's not pretty." [b]Partner:[/b] "Who would want me as their partner?" [b]Other:[/b] "I like to play funny pranks, mainly on myself just to make others laugh."[/center]