Gunner looked at Anna when she ran her fingers through his hair again. He didn't smile, he felt like he wouldn't smile for a while... Not after all this, however, he felt a warmth spread through his chest. A warmth that had been long absent from him... even before he was Strigoi. He nodded his head, "I didn't exactly make it easy... I knew what you would be looking for..." He said quietly. He flinched a little at the thought of it all and clung to Anna. Yes, he was holding her because she was Anna but it was also due to the fact that she was the one that he was closest to when he changed due to the fact that she asked Sebastian to leave while he was vomiting. He held back a new flood of tears and looked at her, "I need a map," He said quietly, "And my phone... I need to call..." He got to his feet and stumbled slightly to where he knew they would be keeping his things and dug his phone out of his pocket. He held it in his hand for a moment before opening and dialing someone. He took a deep breath when the phone was answered, "You better not have done anything to the kids," He hissed to the Strigoi on the other end of the line. He was quiet for a moment as he listened to the reply before he rose his voice, "I don't give a shit what you heard. I'm alive and well and going to rip your head from your body if you have laid a finger on those kids. I saw potential in them... They aren't little blood bags for you to sink your teeth into, am I clear?" He didn't wait for a reply, "Don't touch the kids... I'm going into hiding for a short while... Regrouping my thoughts. You wait for my orders and you raise those kids... not eat them." Then he hung up and tentatively placed the phone back down on the table that he was leaning against. He hung his head and brought a hand to his face to wipe away a couple tears that were escaping from his eyes... Those kids were probably terrified. The Elites themselves needed time though before they started to go after the groups and Gunner knew that he couldn't be part of that. He'd give information and he'd keep ties with the Strigoi, ensuring that they never fully disappeared on them... That was almost worse though... having to go on pretending to be one of them. He turned and looked at his friends before stuffing his trembling hands into his pockets, "Let's go see Serena... Another friendly face will be nice," He said quietly before he looked to the ground, "And I can mark where the caves are and the amount of Strigois in the room..."