Though Fleo's dusty shell would have dissipated a direct lightning attack, the thought of abusing the electricity's brilliant glare never crossed her mind. The flare before her filled her eyes with dazzling pain, a rubber ball inside her skull, forcing her to scrunch them tightly shut. Even before her vision fully returned, she fumed with rage. [color=C2B280]“Gagh!”[/color] She cried, casting off her dust armor in a miniature explosion that adequately summarized how she felt. In need for something to obliterate, Fleo wordlessly manifested a hammer made of ash left behind by Nolan's Ash God's Gluttony, hoisted it above her head, and smashed it on the ground. The combined force of her fury and the mass of the construct was sufficient to create a small, rather unimpressive dent in the cobblestone. Satiated for now, Fleo allowed the hammer to fall apart, and buried her face in her hands. Blocking out her vision of the outside world, however, did not insulate her from hearing it. The news from Damian hit her like a wooden mallet. [color=C2B280]“What a horrible thing to happen before breakfast on such a nice morning!”[/color] She said after a moment. When she removed her hands from her face, they left behind dust that etched into her frown, making her look several years older. [color=C2B280]“We don't stand a chance! I can't even run from this now that I've attacked one of them!”[/color] As distraught as she was, Fleo couldn't help but think of pancakes. After such a terribly eventful morning, a double helping sounded like the best thing in the world. Truthfully, Fleo didn't want comfort or pity from any of the guild members; it wouldn't do much to help the predicament they were in. Still, it would be helpful to know that the Pheonix Wingers had her back. During her few days with them, their mantra of caring for one another came up all the time, but only under circumstances like these could those ideals be tested. Fleo wiped the dust off her face with her burnt orange collar, and with it wiped off a grimace sour enough to bring her guildmates' spirits down too. What use were her gifts if she bogged herself down in self-pity and worry? That wasn't any way to be the best that she could be, and certainly no method of bringing out the best in others. A dry smile appeared on her lips—not truly genuine, but evidence of trying hard to be optimistic. [color=C2B280]“Guess there's nothing for it but to keep living, huh?”[/color] She addressed the closest wizards, Jamie, Ariel, Damian, and Nolan with her arms crossed beneath her chest.