[quote=@LegendBegins] [@Mahz] A quick thought. Despite the fact that we have an arrow that leads to the latest post, is there any reason the text "X Time Ago" doesn't also link to the latest post on the subscriptions page? [/quote] I'm trying to come up with UI consistencies that are also mobile-friendly. For example, here's what a roleplay subscription currently looks like on mobile: [img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/spa/quq37nq1583x0lf/aolk2zo_.png[/img] Obviously the UI design here kinda sucks at that width, but until I think of something better, the idea is that people can associate the [code][-->][/code] button as the "go to the latest post" button. If timestamps were always hyperlinked, do you think that would be obvious to people? Maybe I can just replace the buttons with hyperlinked timestamps altogether?