[color=lightblue] 420blazeitdankfuckingmemessonimproud Ugh, this was boring. Komin didn't want to fight the boss, and she was hella tired of picking up fucking eggs all over the place. What else would she do? Maybe she'd go visit [color=red]her[/color] shop. Was she really [i]that[/i] bored? . . . Yes, yes she was. So, she sprouted her wings to fly off to that cute little coffee shop. Didn't fool her though, obviously Shadowy was putting tiny amounts of poison in the coffee in order to take out every single customer so that she would be the queen of beverages in ALO, that made perfect sense. Yeah, no. While Komin was flying over to the shop, she thought about how many eggs she had. She could cash it in for about 130k points with 209 eggs. So, she was filthy rich if she could get real money for it. Goddamn these ALO events, she was wasting so much time on them with their fucking Sakura Week and Easter shit. What was Easter anyways, Egg Day in America? Is the glass half-full or half-empty, if Komin crashed right into a tree in front of the coffee shop because she wasn't looking, what sound would it make? BANG.[/color]